Shutting off the lights...
Thanks to all of you who made running this site for the past three and a half years worth all the effort, energy, and time I put into it. Hopefully, I've introduced you to some quality music in that time, and you, in turn, have shared good music with others. It only works if it's a circle, after all.
Don't worry about me, I'll keep listening and talking and thinking about my favorite music, just not to an audience of strangers, at least not for a long while. I might show up again down the road, though not at this address ( always left much to be desired), but for now it's time for me to move on and find different things to do with my time. It'll be strange not to have ECEU in my life any more, but I'm convinced that, in the end, it's for the best.
I'll be shutting the doors on this place for good in just a bit, but please know that your comments and emails and community were always deeply appreciated by me, and allowed me to keep doing this even when I felt like I didn't have the energy left for it any more. It was an honor to share my love of music, films, and words with you, and I hope it meant something to at least a few of you as well.
(If you leave me your email address on this post, or email me directly, I'll be sure to add you to my list of people to notify if/when I start up another site in the future.)
Division Day - Elliott Smith
See You Later - Elliott Smith
So it goes.
Don't worry about me, I'll keep listening and talking and thinking about my favorite music, just not to an audience of strangers, at least not for a long while. I might show up again down the road, though not at this address ( always left much to be desired), but for now it's time for me to move on and find different things to do with my time. It'll be strange not to have ECEU in my life any more, but I'm convinced that, in the end, it's for the best.
I'll be shutting the doors on this place for good in just a bit, but please know that your comments and emails and community were always deeply appreciated by me, and allowed me to keep doing this even when I felt like I didn't have the energy left for it any more. It was an honor to share my love of music, films, and words with you, and I hope it meant something to at least a few of you as well.
(If you leave me your email address on this post, or email me directly, I'll be sure to add you to my list of people to notify if/when I start up another site in the future.)
Division Day - Elliott Smith
See You Later - Elliott Smith
So it goes.
This is terribly sad.
I'll miss this greatly, it was always my favorite.
I agree. I always enjoyed your blog, and found lots of great music here. I'm disappointed you're closing the doors. Good luck with your new journey, wherever it may take you.
Thanks for all the great music you've introduced me to, Chad. You'll still be on tumblr, right?
Wow... that was a shock... It won't be the same without seeing your blog every day... Hope to see you again in future. Best wishes
Take care lucky!
I will miss your writings Chad, all the best in the future.
thanks for sharing your eye and year for such lovely art.
I will miss this. Thank you.
Thanks for sharing.
I'm sad to see you go. You were my inspiration for switching my blog to only 100% legal mp3s years ago, and I've enjoyed all of your posts (both music and other topics).
If you ever want to write about anything (music, movies, tv, books, whatever) for Muruch, I would be happy to post it. Just comment or email me (addy on my site).
Good luck with whatever you do in the future, and please let me know if you start another bloge elsewhere.
one of the good ones Chad...
(I'll be shutting the doors on this place for good in just a bit---hope that doesn't mean you're deleting the site too?!)
Hey Chad, you should put up a list of other music blogs you recommend. What will we do without you otherwise?
: ( You will be missed.
We'll miss ya. You have my email address - keep me posted!
Thanks a lot for sharing all this music with us, loved how your blog was so personal.
Thank you for showing me so many great artists, and thusly, so many wonderful things about life.
Best of luck!
Enjoyed your blog and the music you shared. Hope to see you later...
Awe Dude, say it aint so.....
I read my first and subsequent Vonnegut books thanks to you.
I dig your taste and will sincerely miss your posts, especially the old stuff......
thanks and good luck
Gatsby. Formerly great
Thanks, Chad. Found a lot of great music here, songs and artists that will be with me for the rest of my life. Saturday will always be for covers, if only in my head.
"Everything was beautiful. Nothing hurt."
Thank you for everything Chad. Please include me on your list! You rock.
Your blog has always been a fun source for music and inspiration. Good luck.
Thanks for the mentorship, the modeling, the music, and the meaning behind everything.
The blogworld will miss you, Chad, and so will I.
what they said.
thank you, chad.
I hate to see this site go! Thank you for all the great music you have and insights you have shared.
Definitely keep me posted on any future sites.
Thanks again for everything!
Thank you so, so much.
Keep me posted if you decide to make anything new please:
Thanks for Arms and Legs and the poems and the sunday links... You'll be missed, Chad.
Take care,
I was so sad to see your last post. Thank you for all the wonderful music you've introduced me to over the past few years.
All the best :)
Thank you so much for your blog. I never posted to tell you how amazing it was and how much I owe my own musical taste to you. Everybody Cares will be greatly missed!
you will not be missed since youre coming back soon. Right?
Thanks for all the help.
thank for everything..this blog has meant a lot to me for past few years..its not easy to actually miss something, but i will miss your writings & mp3s for sure..
I never really commented before but have thoroughly enjoyed your perspective on music, poetry, and current events for last few years. Thanks for your insight!
well damn. Your blog will be dearly missed, Chad..
I'll miss this blog! Thanks for featuring my music. :) If there's any way you could e-mail me the copy from that post it would be greatly appreciated.
Hi. Random reader of your site here. Just saw that your no longer writing and wanted to let you know I am really sad about it, but wish you the best in yur future endeavours!
Thank you for all the joy you have brought with your introductions. You will be sadly missed. Best wishes to you and your family xXx
Will miss your music and thoughts.
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thank you ! good! nice!
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