Monday, August 03, 2009

a tentative foot back into the water...

Well, I've been away from ECEU for a little over three months now, and I'm seriously toying with the notion of jumping back in. I think I was able to get enough distance from the site over these past few months to realize that, hassles aside, it was something I did genuinely enjoy doing most of the time, and, while I have no doubts the site can't run forever, I do think I pulled the plug rather hastily on something that had been a labor of love for nearly four years, for misguided reasons and frustrations. I don't regret the time away, it was entirely worth it for many, many reasons, but I think I'm almost ready to be able to come back to it again, with fresh eyes and ears.

Unfortunately, I deleted all the posts when I shut things down back in April, so the site as it was previously won't be back if I come back - but at the same time, perhaps that will give me the chance to start anew?

Anyway, while I grapple with this for a week or so - fully aware that I lost the vast majority of my readers many moons ago (google analytics don't lie!), as declaring your site over and done does often tend to cut down one's readership - I thought I'd let you know, a little over halfway through this year, the five records I've been listening to the most (so far) in 2009:

Hold Time - M. Ward ( video: "One Hundred Million Years", live at SXSW 2009 )
Veckatimest - Grizzly Bear ( mp3: "While You Wait for the Others" )
Upper Air - Bowerbirds ( mp3: "Northern Lights" )
Wilco (the album) - Wilco ( video: "You and I" w/ Feist, live on Letterman)
Vacilando Territory Blues - J. Tillman ( mp3: "James Blues" )

And, since you can't ever really take the Elliott Smith out of ECEU, I'll make a final decision on whether or not to re-open ECEU for business on August 6th (Thursday), which would have been Elliott's 40th (!!) birthday.


Anonymous mk said...

I'm sure I'm not the only one who left you in the google reader. I'm sure the readers will come back if you do...

2:06 PM  
Anonymous Kelly said...

It's good to see you back. I smiled when I saw ECEU bolded in my google reader!

7:18 PM  
Blogger bd said...

ditto to the above posts. overjoyed to see this blog pop back up in reader.
also i'm a big fan of wilco (love the new album) and just bought hold time as well.

40 year old elliott says to come back!!

10:05 PM  
Blogger gotafli said...

Fantastic. Welcome back! Right the hell on.

11:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please come back! I randomly check your blog every couple weeks just in case you decide to post something and I was super excited to read this. Come back. Please. I swear I'm not a creepy stalker, I just depend on your knowledge of music that I will eventually grow to love.

11:54 PM  
Anonymous Cerita Dewasa said...

Nice post sir, i like it.. cerita dewasa

11:56 AM  
Anonymous Cerita Seks said...


3:56 AM  
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12:25 AM  
Blogger 三重古天樂 said...

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3:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

除了閃酒外(我們其他篇幅會酒店兼職說明),多少訓練基本的酒量。因為不管妳是上正常班還是part time的,客人來找妳多少會喝酒。妳不喝,客人有些感覺會不好,感覺不好妳就賺不到錢。而且妳酒

5:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

罕見奇景曝光!駱駝踏雪奔走 撒哈拉沙漠下雪了

炎熱的撒哈拉沙漠竟然下雪了。(圖/翻攝自Karim Bouchetata推特)

根據《每日郵報》報導指出,撒哈拉沙漠阿爾及利亞艾因塞弗拉小鎮(Ain Sefra)13日氣溫降至零下3度,而天空中竟然也順勢飄起雪花,棕黃色的沙漠被鋪上一層白色的飛雪,酒店工作
當時,攝影師布謝塔塔(Karim Bouchetata)就拿起攝影機,拍下這難得的畫面。而沙漠雖然都給人炎熱的感覺,但其實並非沒有降雪的前例,自1980年以來,該地區已經有3次的降雪紀錄,上一次降雪是2018年1月,當地小鎮被記錄到有40公分的積雪。

9:14 PM  

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